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Western Delusion of “Isolating” Russia

For months, the West has been projecting a geopolitics of “isolating” Russia, both economically via sanctions and diplomatically via creating anti-Russia counter alliances around the world. But how is this geopolitics of “isolation” working? Five months into the Russian military operation in Ukraine, the fallout of this war – in particular the fallout...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Debt Traps & Terrorism: The Roots of Sri Lanka’s Crisis

The island nation of Sri Lanka, located south-southeast of India in the Indian Ocean has suffered economic and now political chaos that has grabbed international headlines. The Western media has floated narratives ranging from “debt trap diplomacy” perpetrated by China and its Belt and Road Initiative to food shortages spurred by Russia’s “blockade” of the Black Sea. None of this is true...

Brian Berletic

China, Thailand and Laos: Economic Friendship Growing Stronger

Today, China aims to become a major foreign economic partner for as many countries as possible. It is well known that an efficient logistics system is an important factor for economic growth. This is why China is developing the One Belt, One Road Initiative, as well as many other significant infrastructure projects. On July 5, 2022 in Bangkok...

Petr Konovalov