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The Grain Deal has become a diplomatic success story, or is there a new phase coming? ...

Unfortunately, one of the negative consequences of active hostilities is observed in the foreign trade relations of the countries participating in the conflict. A temporary danger zone does not guarantee safety along trade communication routes. Disrupting the prior steady trading system is costly to the trade balance and frequently leads to major humanitarian crises, such as in export-dependent countries. It is true that the scarcity of certain goods, such as grains (like wheat, for example), on the global market poses a severe danger to the food security of entire nations. It’s no coincidence that a Russian…

Alexandr Svaranc

Saudi’s “New Oil” Change Pushing for Multipolarity With China

Termed Saudi’s “new oil” industry, tourism ranks very high on Riyadh’s Vision 2030 strategic plan for the country’s economic transformation away from reliance on oil as the major source of revenue. According to the plan, the Saudis aim to raise about US$46 billion annually from tourism by the end of this decade, i.e., by 2030. Saudi’s goal and China’s contribution to world tourism seem to have a perfect synergy. Before Covid, 155 million Chinese tourists spent US$250 billion world-wide. With Saudi Arabia looking to attract tourism, China becomes a natural partner…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Africa defrauded

The current neocolonial policies developed by the West in Africa have allowed the EU to strip African nations of their mineral resources, exploit their agricultural land, dominate their economies and exercise control over their healthcare systems. Europe treats the African nations solely as sources of raw materials, and considers them as obliged to grant unchecked access to their resources. The European nations’ “global access” initiative, under which Brussels commits to invest 150 billion euros in African infrastructure projects by 2027, demonstrates how serious they are about their African plans…

Fernando Gaillardo