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The statistics of life in Syria

On the eve of the Islamic offensive, Syria had already suffered a considerably severe blow. It fell on Syria in the form of the global financial crisis which caused Syrian rates of economic growth to plummet from 5% to 2% by 2011. Although the losses were not critical then, it is evident...

Alexander Filonik

The Syrian frontier cuts too close to home

Syria has been living the past three years completely engulfed in rampant terror and threats to the population, which are actively being used to demoralise the administration and force it to leave the political arena. The fact that the military campaigns have a localized nature does not...

Alexander Filonik

Government shutdown and Chinese gold

“The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity”...William Butler Yeats, from his poem The Second Coming. Yeats certainly caught the essence of the American political folly that has been on stage for the past two weeks. I was going to write this column two days...

Jim Dean