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U.S. Role In Global Drug Trafficking Part 2

If the "Golden Triangle" had turned out to be the only area in the world suitable for cultivating the opium poppy, then the Vietnam War would have probably taken a totally different turn. But this time the world managed again to avoid another small nuclear bombing. To the joy of all...

Konstantin Penzev

U.S. Role in Global Drug Trafficking Part 1

In 1890, Alfred Marshall formulated the law of supply and demand – the consumer has the money and he wants to buy something, the producer has the goods and he wants to sell them. Price of the product is formed depending on the ratio of supply and demand. Any narcotics trafficker knows this law...

Konstantin Penzev

The BRICS: An Emerging Challenge for the West?

The BRICS are said to have emerged as a major challenge to the so called global hegemony of the US and its satellites. It is a politico-economic union of five countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa striving to come up with some sort of a formula which could help them co-ordinate their...

Salman Rafi Sheikh