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Georgia-Ukraine and EU: The Tale of the Wicked Stepmother

Apparently nobody wants to have a real discussion about how the proposed The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA will potentially affect Georgia and its neighbours. Such consequences are being considered all but secondary...

Henry Kamens

Climate Change: A Threat to The Security of The Countries of Sub-Saharan Africa

332 The topic of climate change is now on everyone’s lips and is considered a priority at the global level, yet Africa leads in the number of publications on the problem, producing, for example, four times more papers on the subject than in Asia. All scientists...
Natalia Rogozhina

The Way Frozen Bank Accounts are used by the West

By 2005, thanks to the recom- mendations of international organizations for combating economic crime, Transparency International and the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF, as well as of the UN, the OECD, and...

Sofia Pale