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Iraq: the success of Russian oilmen

At the end of March, the Russian oil company, Lukoil, began extracting oil from one of the world's largest oilfields, ‘West Qurna Phase II’ in Iraq. The Vice Premier of the Russian Federation, Arkady Drovkovich, the Vice Premier of Iraq responsible for energy...

Viktor Mikhin

White House Lies to EU about US Gas Supply

The White House and State Department have engaged in brazen lying to EU governments regarding the ability of the US to supply more than enough natural gas to replace Russian gas deliveries. Recent statements by US...

F. William Engdahl

Russia’s partnerships with Pacific Rim will compensate losses from possible sanctions

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger” and “There's no great loss without some small gain” – are wonderful proverbs that historically have become an integral part of Russian society, during its entire...

Sofia Pale