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Argentina Debt Default is Risky US Power Poker

Most are unaware of the drama unfolding behind the imminent threat of (yet another Argentina deb default. Far from another tale of a corrupt developing country not able to meet its foreign debt obligations as the world saw during the 1980’s and late 1990’s, the real drama...

F. William Engdahl

US Sanctions Against Thailand

There's little doubt that today the United States is one of the most active "fighters" for human rights all across the world. In its quest the US applies various means of putting pressure on the unwanted government, starting with the use of military force and ending...

Natalia Rogozhina

The Eurasian initiative by the President of South Korea

On October 18, 2013, in her opening speech at the International Conference on Cooperation in Eurasia, South Korean President, Park Geun-hye, proposed the so-called “Eurasian initiative.” Such is an ambitious plan that would see a change in the fundamentals of the global economy, diplomacy...

Konstantin Asmolov