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ISIS and its riches

ISIS's ability to control a large territory in Syria and Iraq, to recruit new allies, to maintain a big functioning army of 31 31,000 soldiers (according to other sources, this number is twice as bigger, to successfully carry out military and terrorist operations and to extend its authority in the world, can be...

Natalia Rogozhina

The Saudi Bait-and-Switch: Incurring Short-term Pain for Long-term Gain

Western media members are currently basking in what to them seems to be a story of economic ‘come-uppance.’ Saudi Arabia announced that its 2015 budget will suffer from a significant economic shortage, resulting in a nearly $39 billion dollar deficit...

Matthew Crosston

Ukraine: The Corrupt Will Still Get Hired Again by their Buddies

This story has been on the back burner quite a while. Finally it is ready to be served hot. Millions of people around the globe know only too well how difficult it can be to enter another country to live or work. The waiting in queues, the endless paperwork...

Henry Kamens