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AIIB, BRICS Development Bank and an Emerging World

Germany is a founding member as France. So is Luxemburg, even Great Britain. Putin’s Russia and India are also among the founders. To the surprise of many, so is the International Monetary Fund (IMF, an institution that until now has been...

F. William Engdahl

AIIB: Guess Who's Got Back in Business?

In the recent decades Beijing has made every effort to ensure that it has the resources, markets, and the strategic alliances with developing countries to ensure a stable growth of its economy. This policy driven by politically motivated loans has been labeled "checkbook...

Valery Kulikov

New Controversy Surrounding Kaesong Hi-Tech Industrial Park

Many a time we have analyzed the Kaesong aspect of the inter-Korean cooperation, whether that be myths that it is the principle supplier of the North Korean currency, its yet another ‘complete closure’ in connection with yet another growing animosity or...

Konstantin Asmolov