26.12.2013 Pogos Anastasov

Stereotypes live long. One of them is the crucial role of Saudi oil in the world markets. This would be normally illustrated by the fact that, when thanks to collusion between the USA and Riyadh the price for one barrel of oil plummeted to 10 dollars in 1986, this had a massive impact...

23.12.2013 Sofia Pale

After the economic collapse that began in 2008 and soon engulfed the entire world, Russia has made significant adjustments to its foreign policy. As a result of the crisis, the U.S. and Europe suffered the biggest financial losses...

15.12.2013 Yuri Simonyan

The new Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Garibashvili confirmed the position of the official Tbilisi on the issue of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Athletes from Georgia will participate in the Games, the Georgian side is also willing to take part in the security preparations of the Winter Olympics in Russia...

10.12.2013 Jim Dean

Iran continues development and deployment of two major bombs against the West in what could be the knock out blow against all of its tormentors and enemies. The first is its economic bomb, the result of three key ingredients...a highly educated...

09.12.2013 Konstantin Penzev

Working for the CIA is a difficult and dangerous business. One of the tasks the paladins of the Empire of Good are facing consists in regular searching, catching, shooting and hanging their former colleagues who entered the path of treason  – just as all other secret services do to their renegades...

08.12.2013 Ian Carver

A wave of discontent is sweeping Ukraine following Kiev’s decision not to forge closer ties with the European Union during the Eastern Partnership summit in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius on... 

02.12.2013 Salman Rafi Sheikh

One of the most conspicuous features of the international system is the shifting nature of what are commonly called the “durable alliances.” Perhaps, it is for this very reason that state to state relations and alliances are more often characterized as artificial in the sense that they...

01.12.2013 Vladimir Karyakin

The key problem of Russian statehood is that Russia, in terms of geopolitics, is not a classical imperial formation. At the same time, by its ethno-national structure, it does not correspond to the nation state category either. This contradiction can be resolved only through a “re-assembly...

28.11.2013 Konstantin Penzev

If the "Golden Triangle" had turned out to be the only area in the world suitable for cultivating the opium poppy, then the Vietnam War would have probably taken a totally different turn. But this time the world managed again to avoid another small nuclear bombing. To the joy of all...

25.11.2013 Konstantin Penzev

In 1890, Alfred Marshall formulated the law of supply and demand – the consumer has the money and he wants to buy something, the producer has the goods and he wants to sell them. Price of the product is formed depending on the ratio of supply and demand. Any narcotics trafficker knows this law...

20.11.2013 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The BRICS are said to have emerged as a major challenge to the so called global hegemony of the US and its satellites. It is a politico-economic union of five countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa striving to come up with some sort of a formula which could help them co-ordinate their...

18.11.2013 Nikolai Bobkin

In Geneva, the E3+3 international mediators failed to secure a final agreement with Iran on its nuclear programme. The West still does not believe that the Iranian peaceful atom is peaceful indeed and looks forward to arguments in this regard from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, whose leader, Yukiya Amano, visited.