25.02.2014 Eric Draitser

From Syria to Sochi, Poland to Pussy Riot, diplomatic and geopolitical conflicts between Russia and the West have come to dominate the headlines. However, behind these issues lies the fundamental economic competition that must...

24.02.2014 Natalia Rogozhina

The inter-state disputes over the nature of trans-boundary water resources, which have not ceased for more than 20 years, represent a threat to the security of Central Asian countries. Yet, all the attempts at international and regional levels to find a way...

24.02.2014 Alexander Salitsky

Current forecasts, for example, of the International Energy Agency (World Energy Outlook, 2013 suggest, among other things, that China will be ahead of the U.S., Japan and Europe (combined in the production of electricity from renewable and non-polluting sources by 2035...

21.02.2014 Nikolai Bobkin

The U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry noted during a February meeting with the Member of the PRC State Council, Yang Jiechi, in Beijing that the U.S. appreciated the constructive role played by China on the Iranian nuclear issue, and that Washington...

21.02.2014 Viktor Mikhin

The Middle East never ceases to amaze the world and sets tough tasks for politicians and economists. Thus, the latest news made oil industry workers immediately hit their calculators and make forecasts – by 2020, Iraq is going to triple oil production...

21.02.2014 Alexander Salitsky

One of the consequences of the above-mentioned industrial breakthrough of China at the beginning of the 21st century was the fact that China finally achieved a qualitative shift in the use of its main energy source (in 2006-2011 coal consumption for generation of 1 kWh of...

19.02.2014 Alexander Salitsky

In November 2013, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted a resolution containing an official statement on the adoption of a plan for comprehensive deepening of reforms. According to Chinese media, the document sets out a “road map” of social and economic... 

16.02.2014 Vladimir Terehov

With the beginning of President Barack Obama's second term, there have been attempts in the American foreign policy to "deceive" the bleak logic of the inevitable confrontation between the current global leader and...

15.02.2014 Vladimir Terehov

As was forecasted at the end of the 1990s, all three main components of the United States' Comprehensive National Power (CNP are susceptible to certain erosion when contrasted with the level of CNP growth of China. Therefore, the issue...

14.02.2014 Vladimir Terehov

The evolution of the U.S. foreign policy observable in recent years cannot fail to reflect on the character of the new global game that has been unfolding after the conclusion of the previous game, dubbed the "Cold War"...

11.02.2014 Sofia Pale

China’s aggressive expansion throughout the world interferes with the interests of key countries, including France. In the last decade, the Chinese “soft power” was smoothly directed towards the favorite geostrategic French possession...

08.02.2014 Natalya Zamarayeva

A breach of the ceasefire in 2013 on the Line of Control (LoC has caused a recent sharp cooling in the Pakistani-Indian relations. An informal meeting of the two leaders – Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh...