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Yuriy Zinin

Iraqi Daily Show Ridicules ISIS

Meat Ahmed Albasheer – the author and host of the Iraqi satirical television "daily" show. For many Albasheer is a second Mister Bean, the role played by a British actor Robert Atkinson who impersonated the image of this legendary pop culture idol, and it's...

Yuriy Zinin

The Group of Strategic Vision is Gaining New Momentum

Middle Eastern media sources have been particularly vocal in covering the recent meeting of the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia-Islamic World” that was held in Moscow. Since the moment of its creation back in 2006, it has been consistently searching for...

Yuriy Zinin

Mohammed Bin Salman’s Visit to Russia: View from the Region

The recent visit to Russia by the successor to the Crown Prince, Minister of Defense of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad bin Salman, the son of the reigning King Salman, invoked a torrent of responses in the media and public circles of the kingdom...

Yuriy Zinin