Yuriy Zinin
12.07.2024 Yuriy Zinin

The scientific conference “Challenges and Threats to the Algerian State and Society: History and Modernity”, held recently at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOS), brought together specialists representing academic institutions and leading universities in Russia. The agenda included a wide range of topics from Algeria’s energy strategy and its foreign policy to issues of cultural and national identification of society and cooperation between Moscow and Algeria.

10.05.2024 Yuriy Zinin

‘The Horrifying Attack at the Crocus’ …. ‘Questions and Doubts’. ‘Crime in Moscow Region Threatens Global Dangers’. These and similar headlines in the media reflect the reaction in the Middle East region to the crime at the Crocus City Hall. For observers, experts and social media users, the raid on the concert hall became a reason to increase attention to the study of the roots and methods of action of terrorism, its various organizations and branches…

06.04.2024 Yuriy Zinin

The bloody terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall caused an outcry in political circles, the media and social networks in the Middle East. Arab foreign ministries sent messages of condolence and solidarity to the Russian Federation over the tragedy. Cairo’s Al-Azhar, the world’s oldest Muslim clerical university founded in the 10th century…

19.03.2024 Yuriy Zinin

A joint Saudi-Iranian-Chinese trilateral statement was signed in Beijing on 10 March last year. In the statement, Riyadh and Tehran agreed to resume diplomatic relations and open their official missions. They were suspended in 2016 following attacks on Saudi institutions in Iran during protests against Riyadh’s execution of cleric Nimr al-Nimr on terrorism charges. The terms of the agreement also included the unblocking of cooperation in various fields, which was signed 20 years ago. The March agreement came as a surprise, with a number of Middle East experts describing it as “historic”…

09.03.2024 Yuriy Zinin

The name Avdeyevka, which is known to few in the Arab world, has featured prominently in the Middle Eastern media in recent weeks. Media commentators have examined the battle to liberate this city, its significance, and discussed the opinions of political analysts and observers on the future course of military operations in the conflict, including its international impact. A number of military observers quoted in the media have referred to this event as “a turning point in the course of the war,” similar in significance…

22.02.2024 Yuriy Zinin

“Putin, Carlson and the American people”, “Interview changing the future of political media”, “Putin and Biden”. These and other media headlines reflect the perception and assessments in the media space of the Middle East of the interview of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin given to the American journalist T. Biden. Putin’s interview with the American journalist T. Carlson. Carlson. It made the pages of many Arab newspapers and remains a topic of local commentators. A number of authors note that the dialogue between the two in the Kremlin is noteworthy because it opens missing doors for understanding the hot international conflict…

28.12.2023 Yuriy Zinin

“Putin’s visit to Saudi Arabia and the UAE at the center of global attention,” “Putin in Saudi Arabia and the UAE: the world is changing,” “Why did Putin visit the Gulf?”. These and other headlines reflect the reaction in the Middle East media space to the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the two Persian Gulf countries on December 6 this year. The general tone of the ongoing responses is as follows: the sides are interested in expanding bilateral ties and mutual understanding on the situation in the region and other world problems, especially energy issues. The course of relations between these Gulf state…

05.12.2023 Yuriy Zinin

The conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has been going on since October 7, 2023, has had significant impact in the Middle East media due to the missile and bomb strikes. There is a conflict between two hostile rivals in the local broadcast media regarding the reporting, analysis, and assessment of events occurring in the political and military sectors. The use of hard propaganda techniques and vocabulary to discredit each other is used by the two sides…

16.10.2023 Yuriy Zinin
La contre-offensive de Kiev

“Kiev is bogging down in the counter-attack against Russia”, “The background of the reasons for the failure of the AFU attacks”, “The West is tired of the restless Zelensky”. These and similar headlines are used to describe the materials of Middle Eastern media, social networks and experts commenting on the attempted breakthrough of the AFU on the Russian fronts. At the same time, the coverage of events is increasingly based on the authors’ independent assessments, rather than on the theses pushed by the Western media. They reflect tendentiousness, a biased anti-Russian approach

20.09.2023 Yuriy Zinin

“The BRICS summit: what will the Arabs get?”. The BRICS bloc and hopes for joint action,” “Arabs’ carte blanche in BRICS.” These and related headlines capture the various opinions expressed in the Middle East media and expert circles in response to the Johannesburg summit’s admission of new nations, including three Arab nations: Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Recently, the media has been overwhelmed by a surge of curiosity about the development and operations of this organization. Even in coffee shop talks, BRICS was brought up as though discussing televised talent shows or soccer championships…

01.09.2023 Yuriy Zinin
Central Asian summit

The first summit between the six member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) was held recently in the Saudi city of Jeddah, and generated considerable media interest in the Middle East. Observers in the region have described the summit as “historic,” “promising” and “having a great potential.” They cite the joint declaration approved in the final session of the summit. In this document the two groups of nations emphasize…

26.07.2023 Yuriy Zinin
The Middle East: against cluster bombs and cluster thinking

The decision by the United States and other countries to equip Kiev with cluster munitions has stirred debate in the Middle Eastern media. Several journalists have commented on these facts through the lens of the Ukrainian military forces shortcomings in the counteroffensive, which broke its teeth against the massive Russian fortifications, demonstrating their efficiency on the battlefield. Meanwhile, the Saudi author describes the US move in this context as a “moral failing.” Washington and the North Atlantic alliance behind it will be responsible for every civilian who falls victim to the deadly pitfalls of these weapons. The supply of cluster bombs to Ukraine…