Yuriy Zinin
13.04.2022 Yuriy Zinin

The Russian special operation in Ukraine continues to resonate prominently on social media in the Middle East region. Local analysts monitor how the Internet views these events and their impact on different areas of life and politics. According to a Moroccan researcher, the picture here is a mosaic, as evidenced by the flood of user...

29.03.2022 Yuriy Zinin

The Ukrainian events have been a constant item on the agenda for media outlets of Middle Eastern countries since the start of Russia’s special operation. Observers note a never before seen information onslaught against Moscow coming from the West, when it comes to covering the Ukrainian crisis. According to many estimates, this torrent of content...

16.03.2022 Yuriy Zinin

“Ukraine: the price of the American-European deception,” “A lesson for the Ukrainian people in the school of the West.” These and similar headlines have flooded the Middle Eastern media and social media in the wake of the Russian military operation in Ukraine.  One of the main topics is the reasons and background for this move and its perception in the Arab...

01.03.2022 Yuriy Zinin

Hype in the West regarding Russia’s plans to seize Kyiv and its other “schemes” garnered response and comments in the Middle Eastern political circles and media. Among these the US-driven propaganda narratives regarding Moscow’s alleged intent to use its gas as a geopolitical weapon and about the gas stranglehold that Russia has allegededly put...

14.02.2022 Yuriy Zinin

“Do the Russians want war?” This is the type of headlines in Middle Eastern media reports on the recent Western-led information campaign dealing with the alleged military threat posed by Russia. The mosaic of approaches and opinions is wide-ranging. Some commentators take a light-hearted view of the events and adopt theses of Western propagandists, muddled with false assertions...

07.12.2021 Yuriy Zinin

Russia recently took part in the Sharjah International Book Fair, the largest one in UAE. The exposition featured books published in the Russian Federation, which included Arabic. Russian representatives held talks with the Emiratis to launch a major joint project, translating and publishing a series of Russian classical and modern literature into Arabic...

09.11.2021 Yuriy Zinin

The current turbulence in the European gas market has attracted the attention of the Arabs closely watching the gas price situation. After all, the Arab oil-producing countries account for 56% of oil reserves and almost 27% of natural gas globally. In 2020, according to local data, they produced 28% of oil and 15% of natural gas on the planet, and the revenues...

09.09.2021 Yuriy Zinin

After the complete evacuation of the US and NATO military from Afghanistan, the possibility of a return of Al-Qaeda (a terrorist group banned in Russia is causing concern. Al Qaeda carried out the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, and they are now receiving a safe haven in Afghanistan, as it did before the tragedy. Taliban morale...

22.08.2021 Yuriy Zinin

After its president, Kais Saied, ousted the prime minister, dissolved parliament for a month, and stripped deputies of their immunity, the situation in Tunisia remains a top story in the media landscape of the country and the region. These decisions were announced against the backdrop of public protests on July 25, as the population at large remains dissatisfied...

04.08.2021 Yuriy Zinin

The hasty withdrawal of the US and its allies from Afghanistan, its impact on the neighboring and Middle Eastern states, and the possible scenarios of the situation are being vigorously commented on by the media in the Arab world. Most authors call this move a failure of Washington’s policy. According to the South Al-Iraq website...

05.05.2021 Yuriy Zinin

The relationship between the United States and Russia has been a topic of discussions among Middle Eastern experts and in media outlets in light of Washington’s recent disruptive actions. After the telephone conversation between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, tensions between the two leaders were expected to ease but these hopes were dashed...

30.03.2021 Yuriy Zinin

“Putin mocks Biden” and “What’s behind war of words between two presidents” are just a few of the headlines in Arab media outlets addressing the verbal attacks by head of the US administration, Joe Biden, on Russia and its President. In the Middle East, where decorum is still alive, statements made by the US leader garnered attention from journalists as well as bloggers...