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Yuriy Zinin

Putin’s Visit to Saudi Arabia and the UAE: Reactions in the region.

“Putin’s visit to Saudi Arabia and the UAE at the center of global attention,” “Putin in Saudi Arabia and the UAE: the world is changing,” “Why did Putin visit the Gulf?”. These and other headlines reflect the reaction in the Middle East media space to the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the two Persian Gulf countries on December 6 this year. The general tone of the ongoing responses is as follows: the sides are interested in expanding bilateral ties and mutual understanding on the situation in the region and other world problems, especially energy issues. The course of relations between these Gulf state…

Yuriy Zinin

Gaza Confrontation: Arab Media Coverage

The conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has been going on since October 7, 2023, has had significant impact in the Middle East media due to the missile and bomb strikes. There is a conflict between two hostile rivals in the local broadcast media regarding the reporting, analysis, and assessment of events occurring in the political and military sectors. The use of hard propaganda techniques and vocabulary to discredit each other is used by the two sides…

Yuriy Zinin
La contre-offensive de Kiev

Kiev’s counter-offensive and middle east responses

“Kiev is bogging down in the counter-attack against Russia”, “The background of the reasons for the failure of the AFU attacks”, “The West is tired of the restless Zelensky”. These and similar headlines are used to describe the materials of Middle Eastern media, social networks and experts commenting on the attempted breakthrough of the AFU on the Russian fronts. At the same time, the coverage of events is increasingly based on the authors’ independent assessments, rather than on the theses pushed by the Western media. They reflect tendentiousness, a biased anti-Russian approach

Yuriy Zinin