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Yuriy Zinin

ISIL is following the Taliban path

Since the beginning of their occupation of Mosul the islamists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL have demolished dozens of mosques and mausoleums dating back to the 11-13 centuries. Those facts were announced at a recent Pan Arab seminar in Jordan...

Yuriy Zinin

Al-Sisi's visit to Russia: Promotion of Bilateral Cooperation

A recent visit of Egyptian President Al-Sisi to Russia – the first foreign visit beyond the borders of the Arab world, triggered an avid reaction from political circles and media outlets in Egypt. Egyptian news agencies and TV channels stressed the respectful...

Yuriy Zinin

Libya: Drifting Towards An Iraqi Scenario

Set against the background of events that are unfolding in Ukraine, as well as in the north of Iraq and Gaza, the topic of Libya has faded somewhat. At the same time, in mid-July there was a tremendous explosion of violence which has resulted in a chain reaction...

Yuriy Zinin