Vladimir Terehov
The Latest Round of Sino-European Maneuvers in Response to US “Protectionism”
Among the key participants in the new global “post-Cold War” game there are signs of turmoil, which became visible one and a half years ago with the emergence of Trump administration’s policy course under its overarching slogan “hit those...
The Indo-Pacific’s Changing Political Landscape
Several noteworthy events, which have occurred in the past few weeks, bear witness to the continuing changes in the Indo-Pacific region’s political map. This process was long in the making, but its pace increased substantially after the election of Donald Trump as the US President...
The Latest Maneuvers in the Sino-American Game in South East Asia
The South East Asian sub-region (SEA remains an important link in the chain of direct as well as indirect “conflict zones”, beginning on the Korean Peninsula and ending at the entrance to the Strait of Malacca, in the Sino-American standoff. There is no scoring system...