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Vladimir Terehov

What lies behind the Sino-Japanese scandal on poaching of red coral

The term "red (noble coral", which is a high-demand (and therefore expensive raw material in the jewellery industry, in the last month or two suddenly entered the list...

Vladimir Terehov

About Meetings "on the Sidelines" of APEC

The latest APEC forum, held from 5 to 11 November in Beijing, confirmed two related trends, which have been emerging for a long time in opposite directions. The first is the falling of APEC itself in the role of global political processes as a regional quasi-organization...

Vladimir Terehov

Japan continues its search for routes into North Korea

In the mosaic of events that are shaping the political situation in North-East Asia (NEA an event occurred at the end of October which at first glance does not appear to be worthy of any special attention. But in fact, not only does it illustrate the peculiarities of this situation...

Vladimir Terehov