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Vladimir Terehov

Trilateral Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Seoul

On March 21-22, Seoul hosted the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of China, Japan and South Korea, that had been prepared over a long period of time and with great difficulty, and its progress was closely watched by other countries of Northeast Asia and...

Vladimir Terehov

Angela Merkel’s Visit to Japan: the Aspect of Recent History

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s “blitz visit” to Japan on March 9-10 garnered interest on various aspects. Only an urgent need for communication with her colleague Shinzo Abe could prompt Frau Chancellor to spend 24 hours in the air and cover about...

Vladimir Terehov

Special commission to assess the role of Japan in World War II

The issue of the forthcoming speech of Japan's Prime-Minister Shinzō Abe on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II is gradually becoming one of the most important for the current political situation in the North-East Asia. What Shinzō Abe says at this....

Vladimir Terehov