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Vladimir Terehov

On recent developments in the Maldives, Bangladesh and Myanmar

The remarkable recent developments in the above-mentioned countries are interesting because they characterise the development of the situation in the vast Indian Ocean region. This region, however, has been included for almost two decades in the more general political and geographical category of the Indo-Pacific. The struggle between the world’s leading players for control of the situation in the Indian Ocean region as a whole, but mainly over the largest trade route passing through it, has been manifesting itself in recent years…

Vladimir Terehov

Towards the results of the general election in Taiwan

So, on 13 January, one of the most notable events of the current stage of the “Great World Game” took place, which was the “calendar” general election in Taiwan. According to their results, the island will now be governed by a new president (since Tsai Ing-wen, who held this post for two consecutive terms, could not once again run for office) and a completely renewed parliament. It seems appropriate to express at once the author’s assessment of this whole action, which, however, has already been outlined earlier. Its significance was rather overestimated by months-long efforts of the leading actors…

Vladimir Terehov

"Chinese Communists" visited the United States

Earlier, the NEO discussed the forecasts by representatives of Chinese academia of a possible scenario for the development of relations in 2024 between the two current leading world powers, i.e. the United States and China, which were presented by the Global Times at the end of last year. We would like to emphasise once again that the nature of changes on the table of the “Great World Game” as a whole will depend on this scenario. The results of the work carried out by the newspaper’s editorial staff were expressed in two words: “stabilisation” and “uneven”. These are responsible words…

Vladimir Terehov