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Vladimir Terehov

On the Situation in Hong Kong as US-China Relations Worsen

On the card table where modern world politics are played, the state of affairs in Hong Kong remains a barometer which can provide a rough idea of the current trends in relations between the United States and China. Both of these superpowers play a major role in shaping the bigger global picture of today’s game. That is why NEO has been monitoring how the situation...

Vladimir Terehov

Attacks Against China over SARS-COV-2 are Intensifying

Unfortunately, the author’s hopes that attempts to seek monetary compensation from China for its alleged role in the SARS-COV-2 pandemic would involve individuals rather than countries (and their nation-wide policies, first and foremost the United States, have been dashed. On 6 April, Lindsey Graham, an influential Republican senator, stated China needed...

Vladimir Terehov

Some Outcomes of the Lockdown that was Introduced in India

The impact of SARS COV-2 pandemic on current global processes continues to increase and there is no plateau in sight for now. However, it is important to point out that the outbreak, which is, at present, ravaging communities all over the world and is the focus of everyone’s attention, has had practically...

Vladimir Terehov