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Vladimir Terehov

China-India Confrontation on the Doklam Plateau Continues

A small plateau of a total area of just one hundred square kilometers located in the Himalayas at the junction of the borders of the People’s Republic of China, India and the Kingdom of Bhutan has for two months been the site of...

Vladimir Terehov

On the Next Stage of the US-China "Dialogue"

One of the main practical results of the meeting between the leaders of two major global powers (the USA and People's Republic of China held in early April, 2017 at Donald Trump’s estate in Florida, was the decision to deepen and...

Vladimir Terehov

Political Aspects of the Joint Russian-Chinese Naval Exercise in the Black Sea

The join naval exercise that was held by the Russian and Chinese navies at the end of July has undoubtedly become one of the most important events in the modern international politics. Even though the scale of...

Vladimir Terehov