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Vladimir Terehov

US-China relations "after Munich"

We last addressed the topic of exchanging significant signals in the lines of communication between the two leading world powers (the United States and China) in connection with the regular “Davos Forum” and “Munich Security Conference” held at the beginning of this year. However, a number of subsequent events, as well as a certain “trail” left by U.S. Secretary of State Blinken’s speech at the latter event, allow us to return to the same topic once again…

Vladimir Terehov

Japan is expanding ties with Taiwan and India is forging them

The two leading world powers, the United States and the People’s Republic of China, are the main players in the games over Taiwan. At the same time, the presence of other recently emerging “power centres” is becoming increasingly visible. First of all, Japan and India. Of these, the former’s relations with Taiwan are now of an ordinary interstate nature. This is also true of Japan’s relations with its “big brother”, the United States…

Vladimir Terehov

PRC at the Davos and Munich Forums

China is willing to participate in international platforms where opinions are exchanged on various aspects of the current stage of the Big World Game. For, as we have said, “Comrade Mauser” will remain silent as long as the lines of communication between the key participants, through which certain signals are transmitted, are not closed. Which, with its current power, is crucial. The hypothesis that propaganda fighters may use “tactical nukes” with impunity on certain players is dubious…

Vladimir Terehov