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Vladimir Terehov

Strengthening “Traditionalism” - a Source of Serious Problems for India

In the second half of March this year one of India’s leading newspapers, the Indian Express launched a debate on a very pressing issue for today’s India: the strengthening of “traditional” (or “communalist”, “obscurantist” and “dogmatic” tendencies. India, with a current...

Vladimir Terehov

India in Search for an Optimal Foreign Policy

As the NVO, a Russian weekly newspaper supplement to Nezavi- simaya Gazeta dedicated to military posture noted more than once, India is already one of the key global players and the question of its foreign policy vector becomes increasingly important...

Vladimir Terehov

The Boao Forum for Asia at the Prospect of the US-China Trade War

On April 8-11, the resort town of Bo’ao, situated on the Chinese island of Hainan, saw the regular economic Boao Forum for Asia (BFA). Let us note the increasing importance of this forum that today is called “the Asian Davos”. This time it was visited by both the former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (chosen as the chairman of the BFA directors...

Vladimir Terehov