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Vladimir Terehov

On the Consequences of the Okinawa Elections

So, the snap governor elections of the Okinawa Prefecture that were critical for the Japanese federal government were held on September 30 this year and ended in an unpleasant surprise for it. Despite Tokyo’s anticipation (and to its sheer disappointment the former Ginowan City Mayor Atsushi Sakima supported by the ruling Liberal Democratic...

Vladimir Terehov

Political Implications of Donald Trump’s Statement on the INF Treaty

One of the most resounding political events in the second half of October 2018 was the US president Donald Trump’s statement that he would withdraw the USA from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (often referred to as the INF Treaty, which was signed by the USA and...

Vladimir Terehov

The Problem of the “Restoration” of the Temple in Ayodhya: Some Political Aspects

Without a little background information, which will be provided below, the above headline may seem rather obscure to most readers of New Eastern Outlook. Let us first look at the “problem”, which, in this case, has deep historical roots...

Vladimir Terehov