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Vladimir Terehov

Latest Political Goings-on in Japan

In recent months, Japan has borne witness to a series of various important events occurring with a greater frequency. And as they become increasingly staggered, processes within the nation’s political life begin to speed up as a result. We could refer, for instance, to the issue (discussed on numerous...

Vladimir Terehov

What the Latest Round of Local Elections in India Showed

On 11 December of this year, five Indian states held assembly elections and their results are certainly noteworthy. Especially in light of the upcoming general elections to the lower house of the Indian Parliament, a key event in the nation’s political life, to be held in spring...

Vladimir Terehov

Is Washington Changing its Policy Towards Pakistan?

During just the last two weeks of November and the beginning of December, it was possible to bear witness to an extraordinary transformation to the way the US President views Pakistan’s role in several significant (both past as well as current events in world politics. On 19 November...

Vladimir Terehov