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Vladimir Terehov

Situation in South Asia after Terrorist Attacks in India and Iran

The terror attack, which occurred on 14 February near the town of Pulwama in the district with the same name of the Jammu and Kashmir state, struck a serious blow to not only any positive (but weak trends in the relationship between India and Pakistan, but also to the situation...

Vladimir Terehov

Chinese Aircraft Carrier to be Sold to Pakistan

On February 5, the online naval defense magazine Navy Recognition (part of a group of similar online publications registered in Belgium, made a vague reference to certain plans China has for its "military and foreign policies", reporting the sensational news, which quickly became...

Vladimir Terehov

INF Treaty in the Context of the Situation in the IPR

The announcement by President D. Trump of the intention to withdraw the United States from the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF Treaty, which was made at the end of December last year, continues to be on the list of world political...

Vladimir Terehov