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Vladimir Terehov

On the Events in Hong Kong: the Show Must Go On?

Recently, the NEO has been looking at the situation in and around Hong Kong from different angles. It is hard to disagree with the viewpoint that the external chaos of recent months in the streets of Hong Kong (which is, among other things, one of the world’s financial centers has...

Vladimir Terehov

The Kashmir Issue and the Annulment of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution

Cancellation on August 5 this year of the fundamental provisions of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution became one of the most important recent political events in the Indo-Pacific Region. It de facto means the elimination of the special status of the State of Jammu and Kashmir...

Vladimir Terehov

Taiwan President Stops by in the US Again

Each foreign voyage of Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen turns out to be a significant event of the Big Global Game which is increasingly centered on the intricate relations between the two leading world superpowers (the US and China). The Big Game and the island with a total population of 24 million at first sight seem rather distant from one another, even...

Vladimir Terehov