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Vladimir Terehov

Elections in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong District Council elections were held on 24 November 2019 for all of its 18 District Councils. Various political parties, described as pan-democratic in Beijing and pro-democratic by the Western media outlets, swept to an overwhelming victory after winning 85 % of the votes (cast by the electorate who came...

Vladimir Terehov

Former Kamikaze Pilots Address Japanese Youth

On more than one occasion, NEO has highlighted one of the most remarkable contemporary trends in the “Great Global Game (politics”, the gradual comeback Japan and Germany, the biggest losers in World War Two, have been making to return to the inner circle of the game’s top players. There are plenty of different signs that prove this trend exists. Just..

Vladimir Terehov

Leading International Players Reacting to the Presidential Election in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s presidential election, held on 16 November, was a noteworthy event in the Indo-Pacific. It was the focus of attention in nations that happen to be the key participants of the political game being played in the region. And their reasons are obvious. Along with a number of other island nations in the Indian Ocean (such as the Maldives), Sri Lanka...

Vladimir Terehov