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Vladimir Terehov

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Relations between China and the United States

The global panic over the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to have an extremely negative impact on all aspects of people’s lives. The impact that problems associated with the coronavirus outbreak are having on various aspects of the Great Global Game of politics today is therefore bound to remain a preoccupation. Unfortunately, the one thing...

Vladimir Terehov

On Riots in Delhi

Since 24 February this year, a series of riots have taken place in the course of several days in the northeastern part of Delhi, the capital of India. The scale and consequences of these riots (47 dead, hundreds of wounded, 1,500 people detained by the police, financial losses already give reason to compare them with earlier events, the main participants of which were also Hindus and Muslims...

Vladimir Terehov

US-Taliban Agreement and Regional Tensions

There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel for the US in its struggle against the ‘Afghan Trap.’ This light emanates from the agreement signed on February 29 in Doha, the capital of Qatar, between US representatives and the Taliban movement (banned in Russia. Russia’s role is quite notable here. It contributed to the preparation and signing of this treaty, which was...

Vladimir Terehov