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Vladimir Terehov

Is the Deterioration of US-China Relations Temporary or Permanent?

The policy that the United States has recently been pursuing towards China would give you the impression that America’s political elite are suffering from a form of political schizophrenia. Moreover, not only can the signs of political division be seen in the deepening divide in American politics, but even the behavior of individual high-profile politicians...

Vladimir Terehov

US Increases Pressure on China

Despite growing domestic problems of various kinds (or even perhaps mainly because of them), the United States has ramped up the pressure on its key geopolitical opponent, i.e. the People’s Republic of China (PRC). And Washington is not doing this alone but with as many allies willing to support it as possible. The US is also seeking partners who may in the future become closer associates. The recent visits...

Vladimir Terehov

On Philippine Foreign Ministry's Statement on the Situation in the South China Sea

On July 12 of this year, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines Teodoro Locsin issued a statement that immediately garnered the attention of leading news outlets because it concerned the situation in the South China Sea (SCS, i.e. one of the most volatile parts of the world where (conflicting interests of countries...

Vladimir Terehov