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Vladimir Terehov

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah Visited India and Pakistan

The five-day visit to India that started on October 6th this year made by the physician Abdullah Abdullah, who is the de facto second-in-command with the government in Kabul, is a very remarkable event for a number of reasons. Of these, the first, main one stems from the process that was launched involving sharp changes in the entire situation in this key country in the Central Asian region...

Vladimir Terehov

Tensions Continue to Swirl around the “Taiwan Problem”

An overarching “Taiwan problem” continues to gravitate toward the center of the entire system of relations between the two leading world powers, and it is becoming the focus of a regional political vortex that is sucking in other players that hold varying degrees of significance. As is always the case with this kind of event, the developments that go along with it are characterized...

Vladimir Terehov

Can Business Prevent US-China Relations from Becoming Fractured?

The flood of events that has occurred recently affecting the politics of relations between the two leading world powers (the United States and China) cannot bring about anything but a feeling of numbing hopelessness for observers. If it were not for the common sense that raises its head in the economic sphere. Notably (and mainly) on the part...

Vladimir Terehov