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Vladimir Terehov

The Attack on the 2022 Winter Olympics has Begun

Apparently, the next Olympic Winter Games scheduled for February next year are becoming one of the new main justifications for, and the target of, an expanding information and propaganda war waged against the PRC. This was the country that was selected in 2015 at the 128th IOC meeting, held in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, to host the Winter Olympics 2022. That in...

Vladimir Terehov

The Latest Forums for the “Quad” and the Munich Security Conference

In terms of assessing the situation in the Indo-Pacific region, two recent events that happened over a one-day interval (February 18 and 19 are especially noteworthy. These were the online forum held between the foreign ministers of Australia, India, the United States, and Japan (that form the so-called “Quad”, and the Munich Security Conference...

Vladimir Terehov

“Do Women Talk Too Much?” or a Scandal at the Japanese Olympic Committee

A recent comment made by head of Tokyo Olympics organizing committee Yoshiro Mori sparked a political uproar, seemingly disproportionate in scale, which was eventually followed by his punishment that did not fit the crime. It is worth highlighting that once the chief was forced to resign on February 12, the scandal...

Vladimir Terehov