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Vladimir Terehov

AUKUS and Myanmar Undermine ASEAN Unity

In fact, and as has been repeatedly noted in the NEO, the situation is worsening in South-East Asia, a key region for the global political process today, all ten countries of which form ASEAN. This deterioration comes from the degrading relations between the two global powers, the USA and China. The field of tensions created by both significant global players...

Vladimir Terehov

On the Outcome of the Lower House Election in Japan

On October 31, lower house election was held in Japan, the primary outcome of which can be summed up as the preservation of the domestic political status quo. With some noteworthy caveats, as discussed below. The final data published on the distribution of the parliamentary seats received by the opponents show that the ruling Liberal Democratic Party...

Vladimir Terehov

Inter-confessional Relations in India and Bangladesh Aggravate amid Taliban’s Victory in Afghanistan

It is no exaggeration to say that the rise of the Taliban (banned in Russia) to power in Afghanistan is one of those events whose significance goes far beyond the borders of this particular country. In particular, it played, perhaps against the wishes of the Taliban themselves, the role of leaven thrown into...

Vladimir Terehov