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Vladimir Terehov

Central Asian Countries Keep Maneuvering amid Regional Powers

The NEO has already raised the issue of the optimal positioning of the Central Asian countries in the field of power that is being shaped by the world’s leading players, who have in varying degrees been involved in the processes that have developed in recent years in the sub-region. The change of power in Afghanistan, as well as the changing...

Vladimir Terehov

First Document on National Security to Be Published in Pakistan

At the end of December last year, the National Security Council of Pakistan, chaired by the Prime Minister, adopted the National Security Policy of Pakistan 2022-2026 (or NSP), apparently the first such document in the country’s history. However, its originality was immediately questioned by representatives of highly...

Vladimir Terehov

Some Consequences of the Latest hate Speech Incident in India

On January 10 the Supreme Court of India agreed to urgently consider a petition on “hate speech” against the country’s Moslem communities, with reference to specific incidents, most notoriously an incident in December 2021 in Haridwar - a city venerated in the Himalayan foothills on the banks of the River Ganges. Both the city and river are regarded...

Vladimir Terehov