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Vladimir Terehov

US Postpones Passage of “Taiwan Policy” Bill

In this author’s latest article on the Taiwan issue, it is important to note the development of its central point to date, namely the apparent strengthening in the last year or two of that faction of the US establishment which stands for abandoning the so-called “strategy of uncertainty” in its approach to Taiwan. Unlike the still iconic for many former...

Vladimir Terehov

Futenma Remains a Thorn in the Side of US-Japanese Relations

The fate of the US Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, one of several operated by the US military on Okinawa, has been discussed many times in the NEO and is noteworthy from several angles. Above all, however, because not only are the answers to the two traditional questions “Who is to blame?” and “What is to be...

Vladimir Terehov

On the Current Situation in Pakistan

The topic of political developments in and around Pakistan (remember, a de facto nuclear power!) was left in a state that can be characterized by a few key points. First, the struggle between the faction led by the Pakistan Muslim League (N), which came to power in April this year, and the sidelined faction led by the Movement for Justice continued. The struggle between...

Vladimir Terehov