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Vladimir Terehov

Olaf Scholz, Germany’s Chancellor, visits China

On November 4, Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz flew to Beijing for talks with the Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li Keqiang - a remarkable development, given the current state of the Great Global Game. The visit was surprising for a number of reasons - and here, by way of introduction, a few words of explanation are required...

Vladimir Terehov

Chronicle of the Taiwan Issue-12

Since the last Chronicle of the Taiwan Issue, a lot has happened both in terms of specific events and - far more - in verbal and informational space. The main focus of the world media was, of course, on the preparatory process, the course as well as the outcome of the 20th CPC National Congress as a whole and those aspects of it that touched on the Taiwan...

Vladimir Terehov

Regarding the Indian factor in the appointment of the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

On October 25 this year, the current monarch of the United Kingdom, King Charles III, confirmed Rishi Sunak as the country’s prime minister. This was the first time that the highest post in the executive branch of a leading European country was occupied by an ethnic Indian, which attracted special...

Vladimir Terehov