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Vladimir Terehov

Unrest in South Asia

Unrest in South Asia

Yet another narrative on the situation in one of the key regions, where the current stage of the “Great World Game” is taking place in its most intense form, will start with (yet another) statement of the conventionality of the terminology used. By the way, let us note that varying degrees of conventionality are characteristic of almost all words that are present in descriptions of any aspect of human activity. In each case such terminology requires at least some explanation. What is “South Asia” and what does “unrest” mean? Let’s assume that the former is made up mostly of India and Pakistan. That is, the two de facto nuclear powers, whose relations…

Vladimir Terehov
Japan held “midterm” elections

Japan held “midterm” elections

On April 9 and 23 of this year, that is, in two rounds, elections were held in Japan, which in the general electoral process of the country can be called “intermediate-local”. While the “main” element of it is the general parliamentary elections. These latter may be held at a certain interval or extraordinary. Because the Prime Minister of the country has the right to dissolve the lower house of parliament ahead of time and set a date for the election of a new parliament. As a matter of fact, the question of whether acting Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will exercise this right was perhaps the main intrigue of the just held elections. Usually, the head of the Japanese Cabinet resorts to such an opportunity…

Vladimir Terehov

Regarding the current state of US-China relations

There are nearly constant developments in the relations between the two major international powers that merit at least cursory attention. The most recent occasions for addressing the transformation of these relations were visits of former and incumbent presidents of Taiwan, respectively, to the United States and China, as well as a series of visits to Beijing (which took the nature of pilgrimage) by European politicians of various levels of importance. In all these events, the factor of US-Chinese relations was undoubtedly present, even though more subtly so. Meanwhile, in the bilateral format over the past few weeks…

Vladimir Terehov