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Vladimir Platov

US Launching a Paid anti-Russia Snitching Program is Yet Another Confirmation of America’s Moral Decline

The US authorities have launched another Russophobic “program” of informing and snitching, which is called the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Rewards Program. A reward is promised for information about the funds that were obtained as a result of cooperation with the Russian government...

Vladimir Platov

US Afghan Military Arsenals are Up for Sale

While the exact number of US weapons, vehicles, aircraft and military equipment seized by the Taliban (banned in the Russian Federation) after the US and its allies had fled Afghanistan is unknown, the preliminary value of this lethal commodity is estimated by various experts at around $85 billion. In Kunduz, Afghanistan, regular Taliban military displays...

Vladimir Platov

The Bidens Funded the Activities of Secret US Biolabs

A growing number of independent media and civil society organizations are joining the investigation of hundreds of secret US biological laboratories around the world, including around Russia and China, rightfully suspected of developing and testing internationally banned biological weapons, to prevent Washington from launching a new, this time biological war...

Vladimir Platov