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Vladimir Platov

US and NATO Increasing Pressure on Turkey

For many a year, relations between Ankara and Washington have been characterized by an "unstable balance." If initially, when Erdogan first came to power, his Justice and Development Party (AKP) was supported by the United States, then over time it has ceased to be an American project, demonstrating (as well as Erdogan himself) more and more independence...

Vladimir Platov

Ankara is Working Hard to Reestablish Relations with Cairo

Turkey has recently begun working to re-establish relations with Egypt and the Gulf Arab states in an attempt to overcome divisions that have made Ankara increasingly isolated in the Arab world. After Erdoğan’s successful trip to Riyadh at the end of April, Ankara has been working hard to restore relations with Cairo...

Vladimir Platov

Why is the United States Getting Away with Unleashing a Global Biological War?

The United States has long demonstrated to the global community its disregard for international regulations, along with its readiness to unleash a war with the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) anywhere in the world. This is what the Americans did in Japan, when they dropped nuclear bombs on civilians...

Vladimir Platov