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Vladimir Platov

US Activities in Ukraine are a Smoke Screen for Clearly Criminal Bioresearch

As has been repeatedly pointed out by many media, the United States has long shown the world its disregard for international norms and its willingness to wage war with weapons of mass destruction anywhere in the world. This fact was further documented during the Russian special operation in Ukraine, which resulted...

Vladimir Platov

Caspian Sea becomes the Gateway to Integration Processes in Eurasia

Given the growing importance of the Caspian Sea in recent times, the summits of the Caspian basin states, along with the EAEU and the SCO, are becoming essential platforms for strengthening ties within Eurasia. Whereas major oil and gas fields previously generated the bulk of interest in such forums, now it is time...

Vladimir Platov

Is the US Now Trying to Destabilize Uzbekistan?

Unfortunately, the failure of the recent attempt to create an armed conflict in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAR) has not dampened Washington’s ardor in searching for ways to destabilize the situation in Central Asia and in creating an additional inconvenience for Russia, which at present is conducting a special military operation to de-Nazify Ukraine...

Vladimir Platov