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Vladimir Platov

Integration Processes Developing within the EAEU

On August 25-26, a meeting of the heads of government of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries was held in Cholpon-Ata (Kyrgyz Republic), that served as a testament to the successful development of the integration processes of the member countries. A total of nine truly crucial issues was discussed at the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental...

Vladimir Platov

To Write Off its Debt, the US Stages Wars Everywhere

The global economic crisis that has engulfed various countries due to Washington's openly voluntarist and Russophobic policies has not only thrown the United States itself into chaos, but has also destroyed the world's multipolar model, changed the status of many states, and led to an increase in contradictions between states and coalitions. It is becoming increasingly ...

Vladimir Platov

US Encircles China through Provocations

The US has recently carried out a deliberate effort to exert military and political pressure on Beijing, and organize provocations against the PRC from all sides along its national borders, as it is fearful of losing in its standoff with China and being stripped of its leading position in the world. To this end, the US authorities will expand their military and technical...

Vladimir Platov