Vladimir Platov
11.11.2013 Vladimir Platov

Amid the outbreak of scandal in the past few days regarding the NSA's total control of the European information space: from e-mail correspondences to wiretapping of political leaders and citizens of the EU, information about Washington's espionage activities in the countries...

08.11.2013 Vladimir Platov

Despite the ongoing, painstaking work by the international community to mitigate the armed conflict in Syria, and to eliminate danger caused by chemical weapons in the region, the Israeli hawks continue to escalate the already volatile situation in the Middle East with their aggressive actions...

26.10.2013 Vladimir Platov

Keith Alexander, head of the USA's Cyber Command, noted a few years ago: "To respond to attacks promptly, we need clear-cut areas of operations and rules of warfare". Indeed, the international law for conventional combat operations, described in the Geneva Conventions, does not reflect the...

25.10.2013 Vladimir Platov

Understanding better than its allies the potential of cyberattacks and the size of the possible damage that can be caused by their application, Washington has focused in recent years on strengthening its "fighting efficiency" in cyberspace. The CIA, the NSA and the Pentagon were oriented...

17.10.2013 Vladimir Platov

One of the main areas of the US intelligence services' activity has recently been the enhanced control of the electronic information space, social networks, in particular. Initially, this control was mainly carried out in the form of detecting the so-called "domestic" threats coming from mentally unstable or extremist-minded...

16.10.2013 Vladimir Platov

Over the last two and a half years, the adversaries of the current government in Syria who are in close contact with the intelligence services of the USA and other Western countries have been increasingly penetrating into the social networks of this country in order to collect intelligence information...

15.10.2013 Vladimir Platov

The last decade, cyberweapons have been actively used in the confrontation between ideologies, nations and states. The term "cyberwar" has been increasingly used not only in journalism and in the rhetoric of political figures, but also in the actions of many states, the USA in particular... 

10.10.2013 Vladimir Platov

The U.S. budget crisis, which has been a periodical stumbling block for Obama and the American Parliament during the past few years, has finally reached a breaking point last week. As a result, all federal institutions have been closed indefinitely and around 800,000 state employees are now...

30.09.2013 Vladimir Platov

The unanimous adoption by the UN Security Council member states of the resolution on the destruction of chemical weapons in Syria has, undoubtedly, not only demonstrated the victory of the Russian approach to the peace settlement of the Syrian conflict, but also further strengthened...

12.04.2013 Vladimir Platov
The increased foreign intervention in Syria’s internal conflict suggests that the anti-Assad coalition is preparing for the end of the “battle for Syria.” In northern Jordan, a training camp with…