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Vladimir Platov

CIA's Analysis of the International Trends to 2030

Attempts to predict the global trends is one of the key elements of Washington's policy, since if successful these attempts will not simply allow the White House to adjust its foreign policy accordingly, but take a number of steps to ensure the US dominance in...

Vladimir Platov

Washington Brings Africa Under Military Control

Against the background of actively discussed recent developments in the Middle East, Washington's activity in Africa has been given less attention in foreign media. This could not happen without the active influence of the United States on the said process in order to...

Vladimir Platov

Big Pharma Sells Ineffective, Potentially Deadly Anti-cancer Drugs

Medical experts are saying that the biggest flaw of Big Pharma today is a high percentage of ineffective products being sold without previous clinical trials. This is particularly true when anti-cancer medications are concerned...

Vladimir Platov