Vladimir Platov
30.10.2022 Vladimir Platov

In view of recent events on the global scene, the United States has recently increased its expansion efforts in Central Asia (CA). Against the backdrop of weakened influence in the region due to the precipitous withdrawal from Afghanistan last August, Washington is trying in every possible way to strengthen its position in Central Asia...

22.10.2022 Vladimir Platov

The 12th International Defense Exhibition DefExpo 2022 opened on October 18 in the western Indian state of Gujarat. Defense ministers from 25 countries are expected to attend the exhibition, with representatives from 75 countries participating. The theme of the exhibition is “The Path to Pride,” reflecting Republic Prime Minister Narendra Modi's...

19.10.2022 Vladimir Platov

Despite numerous publications about military research in secret US biology laboratories in the post-Soviet space and demands to place their activities under strict international control, there is, unfortunately, no qualitative improvement of the situation in this matter. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the recent 22nd Meeting of the SCO Council...

13.10.2022 Vladimir Platov

Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in June, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced Russia’s emphasis on developing transport corridors to solve logistical problems and help businesses. In particular, the President emphasized that cargo flows along the North-South transport corridor will soon...

06.10.2022 Vladimir Platov

On September 29, in an interview with Channel News Asia, British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, who was appointed by new Prime Minister Liz Truss, said with typical British duplicity that the kingdom allegedly wants to normalize relations with the PRC. J. Cleverly, however, stressed that Beijing should play a major role...

28.09.2022 Vladimir Platov

The wave of criticism of US Ambassador Kelly Degnan’s activities has recently swept Georgia and gained critical momentum, along with the criticism of US policy in the country in general. In an interview to the Public TV - First Channel, chairman of the ruling Georgian Dream coalition Irakli Kobakhidze called...

26.09.2022 Vladimir Platov

The years leading up to World War I and World War II are often referred to by historians as “diplomatic fever,” because of active mobilization of several powers around the world in both overt and covert alliances. However, such activity was not aimed at preventing conflict, but solely at strengthening their position ahead of the impending war which was their goal all along...

17.09.2022 Vladimir Platov

Although Turkey continues to be economically, politically and militarily dependent on the US and NATO, it is also moving further and further away from being an unquestioning supporter of Washington. And there are many reasons for this, which showed Erdoğan the collapse of the once monolithic “Pax Americana” system. Wherever Turkey sees a prospect for...

16.09.2022 Vladimir Platov

In order to accelerate the development of the International North-South Transport Corridor (ITC), in particular its railway segment through the Western Chord, a Declaration was signed in Baku by Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran confirming the readiness of these countries to intensify cooperation in the assessment...

11.09.2022 Vladimir Platov

It is an open secret that money plays a decisive role in US presidential election campaigns - all those advertisements and consultancy and PR services have to be paid for. Moreover, as the Democrats’ strategy has made clear, organizing street protests and media and other Information campaigns is an expensive business...

09.09.2022 Vladimir Platov

Recently, there have been increasing reports in the American and Western media about the legalization of marijuana in various countries. Although using marijuana is illegal in many countries, in the US the process has been very active in recent years, giving a major boost to an entire industry. The process of drug legalization in violation of international law...

07.09.2022 Vladimir Platov

In recent months, the media of various states have begun publishing more and more revelations about Washington’s aggressive policies, especially in the development and testing of bioweapons, which are banned by international conventions and humanitarian law. Frankly speaking, the fact that the United States is using such weapons...