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Vladimir Platov

Western Politicians are Controlled by Washington

Documents that have recently been published by Wikileaks prove that the NSA has been wiretapping at least three French presidents along with a number of high-profile political figures. This information has provoked a true outrage in the French society and local...

Vladimir Platov

The Price of War in Afghanistan

American politicians are particularly fond of stressing achievements of the American military intervention in Afghanistan that lasted for nearly 13 years. A while ago the US President Barack Obama underlined with a nonchalant bravado that Washington has reached its main...

Vladimir Platov

ISIL Seeks Ways to Acquire WMD

Nobody will dispute the fact that ISIL militants are heavily armed. According to Conflict Armament Research, the arsenal of these radicals includes American automatic rifles along with Chinese anti-tank missiles and machine guns. A considerable percentage of these...

Vladimir Platov