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Vladimir Platov

American Mercenaries: Who are they?

The number of mercenaries with U.S. passports in various hot spots has undergone a marked increase of late. Their motivation: ideals, money and adventure. However, it is noteworthy that many of these hired guns are American...

Vladimir Platov

ISIL and Its Supporters Must Face International Trial

International media has been actively discussing the recent publication of the British edition of Mirror Online featuring shocking footage of Islamic State (ISIL militants gunning down a total of 200 children, with their hands tied behind their backs...

Vladimir Platov

Why Americans aren’t Happy with their Presidents

Despite strenuous attempts of the White House representatives to create a positive image of their master both in the country and abroad, millions of people from all over the world are getting disenchanted with this “man-made idol.” Despite the fact that...

Vladimir Platov