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Vladimir Platov

The US Must Stop its Offensive Cyber Operations Against the World

It's no secret now that the US has been actively carrying out massive offensive operations in cyberspace for over a decade now. It's been reported that by 2013, the US military and intelligence agencies have launched...

Vladimir Platov

Biometrics and Сounter-terrorism

Hardly anybody would object the necessity of stepping up anti-terrorism measures, especially in such public places as transport, and, more specifically, subways and airports. As The Telegraph reports with reference to Vice Admiral of the British...

Vladimir Platov

Militarization of the U.S.

Speaking at the recent session of the economic forum in Davos, the head of the US Department of Defense, Ashton Carter, urged countries to slow "the pace of militarization," saying: "We are telling everyone, not only China but all involved: stop, stop building up military strength". Like...

Vladimir Platov