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Vladimir Platov

Iraq is Rearming

In addition to the forced withdrawal of the US military from the country, as demanded by the Iraqi authorities and people, the other most popular topic of recent active discussion among Iraqis is the large-scale military parade held on January 6 in Baghdad in honor of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Iraqi Armed Forces. As emphasized in a statement from the Prime Minister...

Vladimir Platov

Iraqi People are Forcing Washington to Withdraw its Troops

The million-strong protests that took place in Iraq on the anniversary of the killing of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi Commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis along with 8 other people in a January 3, 2020 US drone strike near Baghdad International Airport in Iraq became the latest breeding ground for the rise...

Vladimir Platov

Will Great Britain Face Penalties for its War Crimes?

Against the backdrop of Australia, a member of the British Commonwealth, officially recognizing the war crimes committed by the Australian military inside Afghanistan, the position taken by the UK authorities in London, which continue to hide genuine information on this issue, and are trying to evade responsibility for them. At the same time, the British and US...

Vladimir Platov