Vladimir Danilov
19.01.2023 Vladimir Danilov

In recent years observers in many different countries have been warning ever more insistently about the inevitable collapse of the dollar - which Washington has inflated far above its true value.  The US has experienced nine recessions since the beginning of the 1970s, and the dollar has fallen twice in real terms, from 1972-1974, and from 1994-1995. The main international...

12.01.2023 Vladimir Danilov

The year 2022 has come to an end and it has become a symbol of universal “de-Westernization.” The criticism of the West is growing everywhere not only for its unwillingness to resolve the Middle East conflict between Palestine and Israel and to reach an agreement on the nuclear dossier with Iran, but also for the general...

29.12.2022 Vladimir Danilov

In the run-up to New Year’s Eve, it is common to take stock of the past and make predictions for the coming year. Like any other year, the outgoing year 2022 will be remembered for its events of national, regional and universal scope. However, among the particularly important ones in 2022 are perhaps the progressive climate change, galloping...

28.12.2022 Vladimir Danilov

Leading international experts estimate that one in four global consumers will be African by 2050. The African continent is home to 8 of the world’s 15 fastest-growing economies. It is therefore not surprising that interest in Africa has recently increased considerably on the part of leading international players, especially former metropoles...

21.12.2022 Vladimir Danilov

Unlike Russia, China and many other countries that prefer to follow the world order based on international law and the UN Charter, since early 1990s, i.e. after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, in public speeches by American, and by several other Western politicians, there were persistent calls for a “rules-based international order,” representing the so-called exclusively...

06.12.2022 Vladimir Danilov

It is deeply regrettable but it should be stated that the topic of Africa has been largely ignored by the world political elite in recent times whose attention has been predominantly occupied by other themes. Although it is on this continent that the most horrific misfortunes of mankind are unfolding with mass starvation of the populatio, incessant terrorist activities of radical...

24.11.2022 Vladimir Danilov

In recent decades, the issue of ensuring the security of African states has become particularly acute. This is as a matter of fact, due to the numerous problems that have accumulated on the continent, including high levels of poverty, the dissatisfaction of the population of several countries with the policies of the authorities, territorial claims...

12.11.2022 Vladimir Danilov

With little time left before the World Cup in Qatar kicks off on November 21, the excitement for organizers and participants is growing by the day. Some 1.2 million fans are expected to travel to the emirate from all over the world, exceeding Doha’s current hotel capacity by more than 30,000 rooms. There is a wide range of accommodation options for guests to choose from, including...

31.10.2022 Vladimir Danilov

The Arab-Muslim world is following the course of the Russian special operation against the Kyiv regime very closely. The interest in these events is explained not only by the very negative attitude of this region to the attempts of certain Western circles to use the example of the actions of the Kyiv authorities to revive the neo-Nazi...

28.10.2022 Vladimir Danilov

Europe has been rocked by large-scale protests over the last few weeks, and many politicians and media organizations in the EU see this as a reflection of public dissatisfaction with the policies of the European Commission and especially its head, Ursula von der Leyen. The main concern is the rising cost of living...

20.10.2022 Vladimir Danilov

The US and the former European metropolises - France, Britain and Germany - have made desperate efforts in recent years to maintain their neo-colonial positions on the African continent. After all, the Western bloc views Africa primarily from a military-geopolitical and resource-based perspective, with projected prospects for global development...

11.10.2022 Vladimir Danilov

Experts estimate that in order to avoid a catastrophic fall in GDP and the risk of a prolonged economic depression, the total public spending by European countries to mitigate the energy collapse unleashed by Washington will have to exceed €1 trillion!  A crisis of this magnitude would result in more bankruptcies and a domino effect in the finance sector, the scaling back...